Venus in Fur
By David Ives
Directed by Shawn Belyea
VANDA | Maleah Woodley
THOMAS | Laurence Hughes
Production Team
Assistant Director | Cacey Williams
Assistant Director | Rachel Delmar
Intimacy Director | Francesca "Cessa" Betancourt
Costume Designer | Dawn Janow
Lighting/Sound Designer | Eli Backer
Dialect Coach | Marianna de Fazio
In a desperate search to find the perfect leading lady for his new play, director Thomas finds himself face to face with Vanda, an actress who couldn't be further from the sophisticated leading lady he seeks. Vanda, the nearly broken-spirited actress, uses her somewhat brazen charisma and vulgar charm to convince Thomas to give her a chance. Out of pity and perhaps a bit of fear, Thomas placates Vanda's desire to audition. As he watches Vanda flawlessly transform into the character, he becomes enthralled, curious, and tantalized. As the two dive deeper into the script, getting lost in the world of the story, the line of reality begins to blur as the colors of desire become all-consuming. With equal parts humor and intelligence, this play speaks to the moments in which we are made to feel powerless and the moments in which we choose dominance. This ultimate game of cat and mouse will leave you feeling breathless and scandalized.

Rehearsal photo courtesy of Casey Williams